Forget dry, over-cooked, flavorless pork chops…These are grilled to perfection, juicy, tender, and bursting with flavor! I am confident these will become a family favorite in your house!

I have not always been a fan of pork chops. I guess my earlier experiences with them weren’t so great. I always associated pork chops with being dry, tough, and not very flavorful.

Little did I know that my issue wasn’t with pork but how we were taught to cook it. Back in the olden days (before May 2011), the USDA’s safe temperature guideline for pork chops was 160°F, resulting in tough, dry shoe leather. As it turns out, pork used to carry a pathogen that caused trichinosis. However, thanks to improved breeding practices, trichinosis from pork is no longer a health concern today. As a result, the USDA now says it’s safe to cook pork to 145°F. The 145°F recommendation was music to most cooks’ ears, as it yields moist, juicy, and slightly pink-in-the-middle pork. 

Being able to cook pork to a lower temperature has truly changed how I feel about pork chops. I love them! The 15° difference allows me to cook or grill pork chops that I am proud to serve. They are always moist, tender, juicy, and flavorful. This particular recipe is a family favorite. The herb combination is incredible, and with the surprising addition of cinnamon, they are true perfection!

This recipe is enhanced by grilling the pork chops, so I highly recommend it! However, I realize that sometimes grilling isn’t practical or possible, so I’ll provide stovetop instructions in the recipe notes, so no one misses out on this amazing recipe.

For this Recipe:

I recommend using bone-in pork chops. While boneless chops may be cheaper, the bone keeps the pork chop moist and adds more flavor.

  • Start by allowing your pork chops to come to room temperature. Meanwhile, gatherer all your herbs together.
  • Measure out and combine all the herbs in a small bowl.
  • Brush one side of each pork chop with oil and sprinkle with salt. Then add a generous amount of the herbs to the pork chop and pat or rub into the meat. You want the entire pork chop covered with herbs.
  • Flip the pork chops over, brush with oil, sprinkle with salt, and add the herbs. (You can store any leftover herbs in an air-tight container for up to 6 months).
  • Preheat the grill over medium-high to high heat. **Stovetop directions are in the notes.
  • Once the grill is preheated, place the chops on the grill and allow to cook for 4 to 5 minutes, and then flip. Continue cooking on the other side for another 4 to 5 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F. I recommend always using a meat thermometer to ensure your meat is cooked to a safe temperature. **Actual grilling time will depend on your grill and the thickness of the chops.
  • When they reach an internal temperature of 140°F, they are done. Remove them from the grill and let them rest on a plate for 5 minutes, during which time they will continue cooking with the residual heat and eventually reach 145°F.

Herbed Pork Chops

Forget dry, over-cooked, flavorless pork chops…These are grilled to perfection, juicy, tender, and bursting with flavor! I am confident these will become a family favorite in your house!
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Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 6 servings


  • cup dried parsley flakes
  • ¼ cup dried marjoram
  • ¼ cup dried thyme
  • 3 tablespoons rubbed sage
  • 2 tablespoons garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 4-6 bone-in pork chops
  • 2-4 tablespoons oil


  • Take the pork chops out of the refrigerator and allow them to come to room temperature.
  • In a bowl, combine the first eight ingredients.
  • Brush the pork chops with oil and lightly salt. Rub a very generous amount of the herb mixture on the pork chops. Flip the pork chop over and repeat on the other side.
  • Preheat the grill over medium-high to high heat. **Stovetop directions are in the notes.
  • Once the grill is preheated, place the chops on the grill, allow to cook for 4 to 5 minutes, and flip. Continue cooking on the other side for 4 to 5 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 140°F.
    **Actual grilling time will depend on your grill and the thickness of the chops. I recommend always using a meat thermometer to ensure your meat is cooked to a safe temperature.
  • When they reach an internal temperature of 140°F, they are done. Remove them from the grill and let them rest on a plate for 5 minutes, during which time they will continue cooking with the residual heat and eventually reach 145°F.


Stovetop Instructions:
  • Heat your skillet to medium-high and add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. When it’s shimmering hot, add your chops.
  • Sear on one side, without moving them, until they are nice and golden brown on the first side, about 3-5 minutes. Then flip and sear the other side until browned. 
  • The best way to check if the pork chop is done is to use a meat thermometer. When they reach an internal temperature of 140°F, they are done. 
  • Remove them from the skillet and let them rest on a plate for 5 minutes, during which time they will continue cooking with the residual heat and eventually reach 145°F.
  • Cooking time can vary based on the thickness of the pork chops.
Store any leftover herbs in an airtight container for up to 6 months.
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